What do players/principals have to do if COVID symptoms appear?
To approach a medical officer (Dr Maria Rubio) at the event or by telephone (+34 658103687) to be assessed and to determine if a rapid antigen test is required.
Confirmation by PCR-test is recommended if a rapid test is positive. Several clinics perform these tests. As an example:
Calle Recoletos, 20
Phone: 646705494
Organizers will provide PCR tests if the rapid test is positive.
The chief arbiter and medical officer should be informed as soon as a positive test appears.
Is isolation needed in case of a positive rapid COVID test?
Upon local regulation, self-isolation is no longer needed if you have a positive test with mild or no symptoms, but it is recommended to limit social interactions and to wear a mask all the time if you are in contact with people for 10 days since symptoms have started. However, to secure players, the organization team and the tournament it is required for the tournament participants to isolate themselves from the other players and officials.
If I have COVID positive test, do I leave the tournament?
Once a positive rapid antigen test is confirmed by a positive PCR test, the player must leave the tournament since being positive means getting other players at risk.
Masks, yes or no?
Masks are optional in the tournament setting. Following local regulations, masks are compulsory in healthcare centres and public transport.
Other measures
Temperature screening at the entrance.
Disinfection of pieces.
Sanitisers are readily available.